OneClickAccounts is a package that works for many different types of businesses. It is specifically designed to cover most types of business operations. Whether you charge by hour per specific jobtype or whether you charge per hour/per Employee’s hourly cost then the system can be setup to manage this. If you want to schedule your work from the office so the Employees on site will see this immediately on their phone App, then the system can also manage this.
Employee phones Apps can be setup with a range if different features to accommodate most business operations. The App can also be configured so that the employee can initiate a new job.
- If you are a business that has employees out on the go that quickly need to log record their work?
- Ideal for Machinery operators, once work is complete then quickly open App and send in work details
- Examples, Agricultural Contractors, Cleaning companies, Landscapers
Office based
- Employee time sheets can quickly be submitted to record all daily tasks.
- Business owner can see a full picture of the days events and work that has been completed immediately after employee submits the work.
- Examples, Accountants, Solicitors,
Companies(e.g Engineering firms)
- If you have employees out on site doing specific tasks and you want to keep track of these operations then OneClickAccounts is ideally suited to this.
- Can handle multi business site operations.
The Importance/Benefits of logging work immediately
Generally employees use diaries to log their work. Here are some of the benefits of using OneClickAccounts:
- Diaries are generally updated every evening or even once a week.
- Then the business owners needs to collect those diaries from each employee.
- Contents of each diary then need to be transferred to some computer system in the office so that items can be invoiced.
- Using OneClickAccounts completely automates the three steps above.